
3:16 PM

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I watched a documentary highlighting the pros of being vegan or/ vegetarian and the cons of being carnivores. Having practically been fed meat, especially seafood, since birth, it was a bit of a shock to see some of the things the food industry has done to meet the demands of the consumer. It got us to thinking about our eating habits and if we could take up the challenge of being vegan or/ vegetarian for 6 weeks. We decided, if we're going to do it, we're going to have to start after the holidays...

So this week we:

+ headed off to Trader Joe's (an awesome market we have here in NY thanks to the folks in California) and grabbed a bunch of organic, fresh and frozen veggies...filling up the cart for only $20! I love you dearly Trader Joe's! We also made sure we had more vegetables that meat in our plates every day.

In other news I:

+ went shopping twice this week with my mom. One shopping excursion took about 9 hours to complete. NINE hours! That is what happens when you have 20 or so first cousins and about double that amount in aunts and uncles.
+ celebrated my friend Chris's graduation as a Correction Officer...super proud of him!
+ celebrated my friend Phil's 25th birthday.
+ knitted a new scarf.
+ drank more tea.

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